Symposium Archive: Highlights

The December DTP Symposium is a highlight of the DTP training calendar. It brings together the whole cohort to celebrate the world-class research and other achievements of our PGRs. In addition we invite fantastic keynote speakers to present their career journeys, insights and advice. Each year the symposium follows a theme to focus the day. Read below for previous themes, keynote speakers and prize winners! The event is organised and run by the DTP Reps with the support of the Comms teams.


December 2022: Science in Society

Monday 12th December 2022, University of York.

Twitter: #WRDTP22

The 2022 symposium focused on the theme ‘Science in Society’ exploring how science can interact with the public and society with a  focus on science policy, medical communications and patent law. This sits alongside the primary focus of the symposium which is to celebrate the PGR research, with talks from final year PGRs and posters from 3rd years.

For photos of the day see our 2022 Symposium Gallery.

Keynote Speakers

For full biographies see here.

Dr Richard Malham – Head of Research Policy, Integrity and Governance, University of St Andrews

Dr Rupert Lewis  Chief Science Policy Officer at the Royal Society

Q&A Panel:

Dr Sarah Harvey – Trainee Patent Attorney at Mewburn Ellis LLP

Dr Claire Stoker – Team Director at Spirit Medical Communications Group Limited

Dr Elspeth Ransom – Tree health policy lead, Defra

We enjoyed charismatic and honest talks from our policy keynotes Richard and Rupert, and an informative Q&A Panel from Sarah, Claire and Elspeth about the differences in working in medical communications, patent law and the civil service v.s. academia.

Prize winners

Long talk (1st place): Jessica Davis, University of Sheffield

Long talk (2nd place): Theo Issit, University of York

Long talk (3rd place): Laura Cowell, University of York

Flash talk (1st place): Joanna Greenman, University of York

Flash talk (2nd place): Jessica Edge, University of Leeds

Short talk (3rd place): Liam Barratt, University of Leeds

PIPS talk: Rosalind Latham, University of Leeds

Poster (1st place): Victoria Hill, University of Sheffield

Poster (2nd place): Lydia Barber, University of York

Poster (3rd place): Aidan Johnson, University of Leeds


December 2021: Science in Entrepreneurship and Industry, & Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Monday 13th & Tuesday 14th December, Online


The December 2021 symposium focused on Science in Entrepreneurship and Industry, & Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). This aimed to explore non-academic science careers in industry and biotech, as well as looking at initiatives to improve EDI in science. Our Q&A panel heard from 2 academics at WR Universities who have set up their own spin-out companies, and a Leeds alumni working at the heart of COVID lighthouse labs.

Keynote Speakers

For full biographies see here.

Dr Ross Overman – Principal Scientist at Leaf Expression Systems & previously of AstraZeneca.

Dr Izzy Jayasinghe – Senior Lecturer, University of Sheffield and EDI in Science advocate

Q&A Panel:

Dr Tim Craggs – PI at the University of Sheffield & founder of his spin out company Exciting Instruments.

Dr Dawn Coverley – PI at the University of York and founder of her spin out company Cizzle Biotech Ltd.

Dr Joe Ward – University of Leeds alumni and now working in COVID lighthouse labs.

Prize winners

Long talk (1st place, joint): Molly Patterson & Sam Haysom, both University of Leeds

Long talk (2nd place): Alex Scott, University of York

Flash talk (1st place): Catriona Walker, University of Leeds

Flash talk (2nd place): Katie West, University of York

PIPS talk: Alex Holmes, University of Leeds

3rd year Poster (1st place): Katie Gelder, University of Sheffield

3rd year Poster (joint 2nd): James Barrett & Alina Capatina, both University of York

4th year Poster: Lianne Gahan, University of Sheffield


2020 Symposium: Science Communication & Public Engagement, and Mental Health & Wellbeing

Monday 15th December 2020, Online


The December 2020 Symposium theme explored science communication and public engagement with an excellent keynote talk from Dr Steve Scott who gave insights into his career in this field, and mental health and wellbeing during your PhD from Dr Sarah Masefield.

Keynote Speakers:

For biographies see here.

Dr Steve Scott – Public Engagement Lead at UKRI

Dr Sarah Masefield – Research Associate, University of York, and co-author of How to Thrive & Survive in your PhD.

Prize winners:

PIPS talk:  Dani Pierce

3rd year poster (1st place): Alex Scott

3rd year poster (2nd place): Alex Holmes

4th year poster (1st place): Claire Moulton-Brown

4th year poster (2nd place): Chris Arter

Flash talk (1st place): Sophie Meredith

Flash talk (2nd place): Ana Jones

Long talk (1st place): Hayley Pearson

Long talk (2nd place): Holly Morgan

Long talk (3rd place): Lorna Malone

Director’s Prize for Student Reps Team: Sarah Stevenson, Amber Shun-Shion, Roz Latham, Molly Patterson, Evie Farnham and Alex Scott

Co-ordinators Prize for Comms team: Maria Nikolova, Ioannis Tsagakis, Rachel Greenhill, Zoe Ingold and Rhianna Rowland


2019 Symposium

Symposium 2019 Gallery