Theo Issitt

Probing cellular responses to environmental and metabolic stress

About me

Following my undergraduate degree I worked in the biopotency division at Covance before spending several years managing and designing outlets for a students union. My undergraduate degree allowed me to realise my passion for research and I decided to return to study for an MRes at Imperial college in biomedical sciences with a focus on cardiology and respiratory science. From this I received my first, first authorship paper investigating mitochondrial dynamics ( with Dr Claudio Raimondi. I then moved to work at the Institute of Cancer Research in Dr Chris Bakal’s lab, focusing on cell cycle dynamics using live imaging systems. I then spent further time investigating mitochondrial dynamics and iron homeostasis in pulmonary artery cells at the National Heart and Lung Institute with Dr Gregory Quinlan with BHF funding.
My passion for mitochondrial dynamics and human biology drew me to this PhD investigating metabolic processes in addition to the expertise and excellent approach of the supervisors at York.

My project

This project utilises GC/MS techniques to investigate Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) as a signal of altered environmental states. We are using neuronal and cancer cells to develop disease models that may eventually correlate with the excreted VOCs in breath.

