Cloud-SPAN – Deadlines 13th & 31st March 2023

Cloud-SPAN is a collaboration between the University of York and The Software Sustainability Institute funded by the UKRI innovation scholars award. It aims to train researchers to effectively generate and analyse a range of ‘omics data using Cloud computing resources.

We have 2 upcoming Cloud-SPAN courses. Both of the courses are free of charge and we offer scholarships to support costs associated with attending the course:

High Computing Metagenomics Analysis – deadline 13 March 2023.

11th-12th April 2023

We welcome environmental scientists who would like to use high performance computing for metagenomics analysis, or anyone with an interest in metagenomics to register. No previous experience of the command line or HPC is required.

Register here!

This free course comprises online lectures, regular help drop-in sessions and support via slack. Following completion you will be able to:

  • Navigate a file system using the command line
  • Log in to and exit your AWS instance (the cloud)
  • Use common commands such as ls, pwd and cd, on the command line
  • Perform quality control on reads and assemble them into metagenome
  • Perform polishing to improve an assembly
  • Use binning to separate the metagenome into different species or MAGs (Metagenome-Assembled Genomes)
  • Use Kraken 2 to assign taxonomy to reads and contigs and
  • Phyloseq in R to analyse taxonomic diversity

We offer Diversity and Hardship Scholarships to enable members of underrepresented groups and those with financial difficulties to participate in our training courses – deadline 13 March 2023.
For further details and the registration form please visit our website
If you have any questions contact us at
or follow us on Twitter.

Statistically Useful Experimental Design – deadline 31 March 2023

11:00 – 14:30, 14 April 2023

Are you about to embark on planning your ‘omics research? Join our experts to ensure that your experiments generate the reproducible, high-quality data you need! You will have the opportunity to discuss your own experimental design.

Register here!

There are a limited number of diversity and hardship scholarships available to assist with travel and other associated costs. If you have any questions please contact us at or follow us on Twitter.