Applications for iCASE studentships for entry in October 2024 are now closed.
What is iCASE?
Our iCASE studentships are 4-year PhDs that include a collaboration with an industrial partner. Formerly known as “Collaborative Awards in Science and Engineering” or “CASE”, iCASE provides a first-rate, challenging PhD research training experience for top quality bioscience graduates.
Students will conduct PhD research within their University, and will participate in the DTP training programme, together with all DTP students. The industrial partner will support the student throughout their PhD, including providing a supervised placement – minimum 3 months – in industry. This normally takes place on the employers’ premises. More information about iCASE studentships can be found on the BBSRC website.
As part of the DTP3 funding round from the Biology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), the White Rose BBSRC DTP has been awarded 7 CASE studentships per year, to be allocated over the academic years 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24, and 2024-25.
How to apply for iCASE projects
Students may apply for up to three projects anywhere in the Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP). Applications will be to the DTP centrally, using an online ‘Expression of Interest’ (EoI). The EoI will include:
- CV information; not submitted separately
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) data
- Names of two referees
Deadline for Expressions of Interest is midnight Sunday 7th January 2024.
Click here to go to the Expression of Interest on-line form
The shortlisting and interview process for each i-CASE studentship is managed by the lead academic supervisor for that project, together with the industry partner, supported by the graduate school at the host university.
iCASE projects
The projects currently available can be found below: