| Evelyn Smith University of Sheffield | Analysis of neuronal kinesin-1 activation dynamics in response to cargo binding |
 | Kate Loveday University of Leeds | The role of chikungunya virus nsP1 protein in virus replication |
 | Cheuk Yan (Joshua) Lee University of York | Probing the epitranscriptome with nanopore sequencing (iCASE) |
 | Carmen Apostol University of Sheffield | Structural investigation of hnRNP proteins using Cryo-EM |
 | Hannah Fisher University of Sheffield | The Structure and Function of Clostridia Spores |
 | Catriona Walker University of Leeds | The roles of phytohormones in carpic dominance and floral arrest |
 | Reuben Ouanounou University of Sheffield | Biochemical, biophysical and structural characterisation of Fanconi anaemia nuclease 1. A structure-specific nuclease involved in interstrand crosslink repair. |
 | Emily Harrison University of Sheffield | Investigating how reducing stomatal density in the C4 crop Maize influences drought tolerance and photosynthesis (iCASE) |
 | Ruth Thomas University of Sheffield | SSA - Genetic and Drug Screening in DNA Repair Deficient Zebrafish for Novel Targets in the Treatment of Neurological Disease and Cancer |
 | Alexandra Holmes University of Leeds | Investigating the Structure and Function of Membrane-Integral Pyrophosphatases |