Applications are now open for the BBRSC ICURe Explore programme, designed to help bioscience researchers, PhD students and technicians to explore the market and commercial potential of their bioscience research projects. Up to £35k of funding is available to ‘get out of the lab’ and validate commercially promising bioscience ideas in the marketplace.
BBSRC ICURe trains, funds, and supports UK research teams to determine whether there is a market for products or services that utilise their bioscience-based ideas, research, science, and technologies.
BBSRC ICURe Explore is open to bioscience research teams in all UK universities, BBSRC-funded institutes and approved public sector research enterprises (PSREs). Our research commercialisation experts will provide expert training and coaching support to help you test your key market assumptions and develop new contacts during a fully funded 12-week market discovery journey.
What is the BBSRC ICURe Programme
A fully funded 12-week bioscience pre-accelerator programme providing the skills, networks and financial support to enable innovators, researchers and technicians to test and validate their idea. Starting with an intensive 4-day bootcamp, you will then embark on a tailored market discovery journey meeting prospective users/customer, suppliers, regulators, industry experts, and strategic partners. Your ICURe journey will culminate with the opportunity to reflect on your market discovery findings by presenting to an experienced panel of funders and stakeholders to guide you through your next steps and help accelerate impact from your research.
Who can apply?
You can apply if you have an interest in exploring commercialisation for your bioscience research and receive your salary or stipend from a UKRI eligible research institute, public sector research establishment or independent research organisation. Click HERE for application guidance.