BBSRC WRDTP Newsletter Autumn 2022
Happy New Year! Welcome to the first 2023 edition of the WRDTP Newsletter, a regular email which will go out at the start of each semester! The aim of this newsletter is to keep you informed on upcoming events and opportunities, as well as to share with you the achievements of our students.
If you have any news items you wish to be included in future newsletters, please email them to a member of the Comms Team!
DTP Symposium, Dec 12th 2022
A huge thank you to everyone who took part in our December symposium! Whether you helped to organise the event, gave a talk about your research or PIPS placement, brought along a poster or even just attended, you helped to make the event a roaring success.
Congratulations to those who won prizes on the day! Jess Davis won first place for her research talk, followed by Theo Issitt and Laura Cowell. Our first place poster prize went to Victoria Hill, second to Lydia Barber and third to Aidan Johnson. Joanna Greenman won first place for her flash talk, followed by Jessica Edge and Liam Barratt, and Roz Latham won best PIPS talk.
We also heard from some excellent Keynote speakers: Dr Richard Malham (Head of Research Policy, Integrity and Governance, University of St Andrews) and Dr Rupert Lewis (Chief Science Policy Officer at the Royal Society), and our Q&A panel allowed for interesting discussions about life after finishing a PhD. Thank you to Dr Sarah Harvey (Mewburn Ellis LLP), Dr Claire Stoker (Spirit Medical Communications Group Limited) and Dr Elspeth Ransom (Defra) for forming our panel this year!
Spring Training Day, 29th March 2023, York
The first event of our new training programme is the Spring Training Day, which will be held in York on the 29th of March. The Spring Training Day aims to bring together the whole cohort: with years 1-2 having analytics training and years 3-4 training hopefully focusing on essential skills such as public speaking, publishing, job hunting and interviews/viva. There will also be time for social activities and cohort building! Make sure you have completed this form by the 20th of January. This is a compulsory part of the DTP training schedule so please make every effort to attend!
A note from your comms team
Are you interested in science communication and/or are wanting to fill that CV? We’re looking for new members to join the WRDTP Comms Team! No experience required and time commitment can be flexible. Whether it is writing one-off blog posts or becoming a permanent member of the team, it would be great to welcome some new faces and perspectives onto the team! If you are interested or would like more information, please contact a member of the Comms Team.
Student Achievements
Prizes and awards
Congratulations to: Patrick Hunter, who won 3rd place for research and career showcase poster prize; Theo Issit for winning a £9000 Elsie may Sykes award for a pilot study in cancer patients at York hospital, being a 3-minute thesis national finalist and Falling walls Delft winner; and Gemma Banister for a successful grant application for a 3-month placement under the UK-Canada Globalink Doctoral Exchange Scheme with UKRI.
Below is a list of recent publications from some of our students:
- Patrick Hunter: Single-molecule and super-resolved imaging deciphers membrane behaviour of onco-immunogenic CCR5 (Hunter et al., 2022)
- Lydia Barber: Selectivity and stability of N-terminal targeting protein modification chemistries (Barber et al., 2023)
- Emily Magkourilou: Sequence of introduction determines the success of contrasting root symbionts and their host (Bell, Magkourilou, Field & Irwin, 2023) and Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal-induced tolerance is determined by fungal identity and pathogen density (Bell et al., 2022)
We understand that there are many more achievements worth celebrating that are not mentioned above, and we apologise to anybody not included! To avoid this in the future, it would be great if you could let us know what you have been up to, either via email or by tagging the WRDTP account (@BBSRCWhiteRose) on twitter.