BBSRC WRDTP Newsletter Autumn 2022
Welcome to the first edition of the WRDTP Newsletter, a regular news update which will be released at the start of each semester! The aim of this newsletter is to keep you informed on upcoming events and opportunities, as well as to share with you the achievements of our students.
If you have any news items you wish to be included in future newsletters, please email them to a member of the Comms team!
Welcome to our new cohort of 2022 starters! We are so excited for you to be a part of the White Rose DTP, and look forward to seeing all that you accomplish.
Masterclasses 2022
DTP masterclasses were a brand new, exciting concept launched in 2021. Our 2022 masterclasses hosted at Leeds, York and Sheffield were a great way for students to delve into the latest developments in an area of research with top academics from each university.
This year, talks were focussed in the areas of: Navigating the academic environment, genome engineering, super-resolution imaging, analysis of microbial omics data, single-cell RNAseq, and cryo electron microscopy. We hope that most students were able to attend at least one of the masterclasses that was relevant to their research, and that you were also able to get to know your DTP colleagues from across all years and universities!
We are looking forward to running our masterclasses again in 2023, and would love some suggestions as to which topic areas you wish to be covered! It would be great to cover the areas that you will find the most interesting and useful in order for everyone to get the most out of these sessions.

DTP Symposium, Dec 12th 2022
Registration for our annual symposium is now open! Attendance is compulsory for all students, except for those on placements. Unlike the past two years, this year’s event will be held entirely in person! This means that no posters or talks will be accessible virtually and we encourage everyone to attend.
This year, the symposium will take place at The University of York on Monday 12th December, 09:00 – 18:00.
- 4th Year students must submit an abstract (deadline Monday 31st October)
- 3rd year students will need to make a poster based on their research. Poster criteria and submission deadlines will be communicated nearer the time.
A note from your comms team
Are you interested in science communication and/or are wanting to fill that CV? We’re looking for new members to join the WRDTP comms team! No experience required and time commitment can be flexible. Whether it is writing one-off blog posts or becoming a permanent member of the team, it would be great to welcome some new faces and perspectives onto the team! If you are interested or would like more information, please contact a member of the comms team!
Student Achievements (Easter-Summer 2022)
Congratulations to Ezra Herman, a student in the Friman lab from York who has been awarded the Enrichment Placement Award from the The Alan Turing Institute!
A huge well done also to Alex Holmes who won the Leeds Partnership Awards 2022!
Below is a list of recent publications from some of our students:
- Kyle Le Huray: Systematic simulation of the interactions of pleckstrin homology domains with membranes (Le Huray et al. 2022), and Characterization of the membrane interactions of phospholipase Cγ reveals key features of the active enzyme (Le Huray et al. 2022)
- Harry Pink: Identification of genetic loci in lettuce mediating quantitative resistance to fungal pathogens (Pink et al. 2022)
- Theo Issitt: Sampling and Analysis of Low-Molecular-Weight Volatile Metabolites in Cellular Headspace and Mouse Breath (Issitt et al. 2022)
Other achievements
See what else our students have been up to!
- University of York students Harry Pink and Ethan Redmond both presented their research at the ICAR conference in Belfast. Read about their experience here!
- Leeds student Alex Holmes hosted a gameshow at Be Curious 2022. See here to read more!
We understand that there are many more achievements worth celebrating that are not mentioned above, and we apologise to anybody not included! To avoid this in the future, it would be great if you could let us know what you have been up to, either via email or by tagging the WRDTP account (@BBSRCWhiteRose) on twitter.