in vivo skills funding call 2019

Deadline: applications must be received by midnight Friday 28th June 2019.

Who can apply?

This call for applications is to the primary supervisors of 2018 entry White Rose BBSRC DTP students, as well as those who have students starting in 2019.

These awards can only be used for projects in whole, living protected animals.  Other species, such as insects, are not eligible for use of these funds.

Projects should train the student in the use of advanced integrative in vivo skills.

You may only apply once.

In scope:

Research skills training where a major component of the work involves developing and applying sophisticated physiological, immunological, pharmacological, behavioural observation or experimentation in whole, living protected animals (as defined in the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986) in order to understand normal and abnormal biological / psychological mechanisms. Research projects must provide significant hands-on in vivo skills training, including (but not limited to): surgical and pre-clinical skills, complex experiments, novel imaging technologies and/or other innovative techniques.

Out of scope:

Research training which is predominantly focused on the generation of transgenic lines; model systems lacking clear novelty; or the use of animals primarily as sources of DNA, cells, tissues or biological fluids, are not included in the priority area.

Further details from the BBSRC are available HERE

How much? 

This is the final round for DTP2 and our remaining budget is only £20k in total.  We are therefore only accepting bids for £5k each.  We will make 4 awards @ £5k each.

How to apply? 

Deadline: applications must be received by midnight Friday 28th June 2019.

Send completed applications via email to Catherine Liddle, DTP Co-ordinator: