The UKRI Policy Internships Scheme for 2020/21 is now open and the closing date for applications is 16.00 on 4 October 2021.
The scheme provides the opportunity for doctoral students funded by the Research Councils of UKRI to work for three months in one of a selected group of highly influential policy organisations.
Full details of how to apply, including links to the online application form and guidance documents are available through the UK Research & Innovation policy internships webpage.
Notes from the DTP:
Expenses – The UKRI provides eligible travel and accommodation costs up to £2,400. In addition, you can claim up to a maximum of £1,000 from the DTP as a PIPS allowance. You therefore have a potential amount of £3,400 available for travel and accommodation. We would expect this to cover the full cost of the internship.
Information and advice – DTP students have previously undertaken UKRI policy internships. Feel free to get in touch with your local PIPS contact to ask if they know of any current students they can put you in touch with for an informal chat about the placement and how to find accommodation, etc.