This event brings together an expert panel to discuss careers in clinical research, medical writing and consultancy following PhD.
It is a chance to find out what opportunities are available to PhD students and why your skills are in such high demand outside academia!
Please note that this will be preceded by another event, Ethics and Challenges of Personalised Medicine Debate at 2.15 – 3.30pm in the same venue (Medical Lecture Theatre: Level 7, Worsley Building, University of Leeds).
You are welcome to attend one or both events.
Please choose your option(s) when booking.
Monday 1st July 2019 4.00 to 5.30pm
Medical Lecture Theatre: Level 7, Worsley Building, University of Leeds
Panel members
Dr Hayley Duckles (NIHR Clinical Research Network)
Dr Caroline Harris (Exponent: Scientific consulting firm)
Dr David Andrew (ERM: Social consulting and sustainability services)
Miss Eleanor Foy (Nucleus Global – Medical Communications: Medical Writing)
Who should attend?
This event is organised for PhD students by the MRC DiMeN DTP.
PhD students from the White Rose BBSRC DTP are also invited to attend.
This course is self-selecting. If you feel it would be useful, you are welcome to attend.
Mandatory or optional?
It is an optional course for those students from the White Rose BBSRC DTP.
Transport arrangements
White Rose BBSRC DTP students from Sheffield and York should make their own way there and claim transport costs through their normal conference / training allowance.
Between the two events, there will be coffee/tea at 3.30-4.00pm in the Social Space in the Miall Building – All welcome
How to book
Dr Emily Goodall
BSc (Hons), PhD, SFHEA
Discovery Medicine North (DiMeN) DTP Manager
Graduate School Manager: Faculty of Science
Tel: 0114 222 3615
Twitter: @DrEmilyG
Email: e.goodall@sheffield.ac.uk
LinkedIn: uk.linkedin.com/in/emilygoodall/
Address: Bateson Centre, University of Sheffield, Firth Court, Sheffield, S10 2TN