A group of PhD students in Leeds have raised funding to hold a meeting on Artificial Intelligence and its use in Science – Bridging the Gap – AI & the Life Sciences:
“We are very excited to announce that we will be hosting a conference, for post-graduates, post-docs, and early career researchers from biological and computing backgrounds, at Leeds on 27th January! We have a diverse range of brilliant speakers (programme below) introducing how AI can be used to approach biological problems, current research in the field, and additionally why diversity is key.”
Click booking link at the bottom of the page for programme details.
Mon, 27 January 2020
09:00 – 19:00 GMT
University of Leeds
Who is it for?
Post-graduates, post-docs, and early career researchers from biological and computing backgrounds. The course is open to DTP and non-DTP PGRs from Leeds, Sheffield and York. It is optional.
£12 per person
Please forward any queries to AILifeSci@leeds.ac.uk and follow us on twitter for updates (@AI_LifeSci_UoL)
How to apply
There are limited places so get your tickets now!!
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