About me
Hiya, I am a Greek-Cypriot that moved to the UK for studies. I completed my BSc Biochemistry and MSc Chemical Biology at the University of Glasgow (best university and city in the UK) and now I am at the University of Sheffield where I am a PhD student with the White Rose DTP. I wanted to pursue this PhD project, to explore the techniques associated with it, mainly Cryo-EM due to my interest in the field of structural biology.
My Project
The stringent response is a survival mechanism utilised by bacteria under stress and nutrient deprivation, the activation of the response results in the production of secondary signalling molecules that can inhibit a gamut of different pathways within bacterial cells, including transcription and translation. The signalling molecules are referred to as alarmones and can directly inhibit the activities of GTPases, including the so-called ribosome-associated GTPases (RA-GTPases) that are essential for ribosomal maturation of 50S and 30S ribosomal particles. This project focuses on exploring the effects the stringent response has on the ribosomal structure and mapping any defects that arise.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OrestisSavva
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/orestis-savva-a4b7b778