The White Rose Doctoral Training Partnership benefits from an impressive pool of supervisors at the Universities of Sheffield, Leeds and York, with wide ranging expertise relevant to training our students in mechanistic biology. As part our new training programme, our staff are offering Master Classes in different topics that students can opt into during June and July. A series of one-day interactive classes organised by staff across our three Russell Group universities will provide an excellent opportunity to delve into the latest developments in an area of research. You also will have the opportunity to network with other PGRs across the partnership and ask questions directly to the expert researchers over a catered lunch.
Summer 2022 Masterclasses
Summer 2022 Masterclasses include topics of Academic careers, Cryo-EM, Single-Cell RNA-seq, Image analysis of super-resolution microscopy, Microbiol-omics, and Editing Genomes.
To sign up for Masterclasses, please email Tom Bennett
Navigating the academic environment – 15th June 2022
Tom Bennett & Others; Leeds; The academic environment can often seem confusing and difficult. In this masterclass, we aim to provide an honest insider’s guide to how academics really navigate an academic career, covering aspects such as networking, conferences, writing papers, job applications, grant applications and so on. We will also provide ample time for networking and socialising during the course; a key goal of the course is to help students gain some post-covid normality at in-person events!
Genome engineering – 22nd June 2022
Stuart Wilson & Others; Sheffield; This masterclass will be run from Sheffield and focus on modern technologies for genome engineering in both mammalian tissue culture and model organisms using techniques such as CRISPR to manipulate host genomes. The use of degron technologies e.g. auxin degron allowing rapid conditional depletion of endogenous proteins will be one of the methods discussed.
Super-resolution imaging – 24th June 2022
Michelle Peckham & Others; Leeds; The masterclass will cover the essentials of advanced and super-resolution imaging in all of its different forms (STED, STORM, DNA-PAINT, SIM, expansion microscopy and lattice light sheet). We expect it to explain what we mean by super-resolution imaging, to include tips and tricks on how to do super-resolution imaging (including sample prep, dye choice etc), how to choose which type of super-resolution for different sample types, and how to analyse the images.
Analysis of microbial-omics data – 28th June 2022
Gavin Thomas & Others; York; This masterclass will teach you how multi-omics data can be used to gain meaningful biological insights in applications such as industrial biotechnology. Join experts to learn the key steps in omics analysis and perform in silico experiments in a Flux Balance Analysis workshop.
Single-cell RNAseq – 5th July 2022
Dave Kent & Others; York; This masterclass will take place in York and involve both academic groups and the Biosciences Technology Facility where library construction and analysis pipelines are established. Join this masterclass to understand the different RNA-sequencing approaches, related mulit-omic technologies, important laboratory setup considerations, and an overview of analysis tools available to you.
Cryo electron microscopy – 22nd July 2022
Jamie Blaza & Others; York; This masterclass will focus on the cryo-EM methods that enable our research. Rebecca Thompson (Leeds), Indrajit Lahiri (Sheffield), and Jamie Blaza (York), will present cryoEM methods from their own work, in addition to an overview of cryo-EM in Yorkshire. This will be followed by talks from PhD students and discussion.
To sign up for Masterclasses please email Tom Bennett