Do you believe the data you obtained from animals?
Is one rat the same as another, or two mice similar? The short answer is no! They aren’t research tools or chemicals but living beings. Where you obtained them from, how you look after or handle them, and many other factors, can substantially change the data you get from them. Over 70% of animal studies are not translatable to humans because of inappropriate experimental design and lack of awareness or consideration of the impact of the research animal and its welfare on the data obtained.
This workshop will provide you with the knowledge and tools to ensure that the data you obtain from your experiments involving research animals is reproducible and reliable. Topics to be covered include the impact of research animals and their welfare on data; how and when to assess animal welfare; experimental design and sources of bias; the application of the 3Rs in practice; humane endpoints and how to select them; publishing animal experiments and much more!
This workshop will not replicate anything you may have learnt in any previous training you have had, for example, the modular training you may have completed if you hold a licence under the Animal (Scientific Procedures) Act – A(SP)A. It is designed for all research students who use vertebrate research animals in their research, whether this research is regulated under A(SP)A or involves wild or captive animals.
This workshop is suitable both for students who work with lab animals and also those who work with wild/captive vertebrate animals.
It is available to students:
- within the White Rose BBSRC DTP cohort and across the wider White Rose Partnership – the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield and York
- in the Faculty of Biological Science (FBS) and the Faculty of Medicine and Health (FBH) at the University of Leeds
- Medical Research Council (MRC)
- within the N8 Research Partnership – the Universities of Durham, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield and York
Who is it not for?
It is not suitable for students who use research animals solely for a source of tissues or cell cultures. This is follow-on training for students who have had some experience of animal studies, so this would be at least 6-12 months after getting your licence.
Mandatory or optional?
This course is mandatory for all Leeds FBS and White Rose BBSRC DTP students (Leeds, Sheffield, York) whose work is regulated by the Animal (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986, or those students who intend to work under the Act in the future, unless you have already attended the ‘Do You Believe the Data You Obtained from Animals?’ course held in September 2018.
The course is optional for other in vivo students, although it is strongly recommended.
It contributes to the legal Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirement for in vivo practitioners.
When and Where?
Date: 21st June 2019
Times: Arrive at 10am to register for a prompt 10.30am start. Finishes at 3pm
Location: SR 1.08, Parkinson Building, University of Leeds LS2 9JT
Cost: Free
How to book
Email Catherine Liddle, DTP Co-ordinator: to request a place, stating your:
- Name
- PhD start date
- Institution
- Faculty / Department
- Dietary requirements
- Accessibility requirements
There is a limited number of places. These will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.