Best PIPS Talk
Lukas Jasaitis won the prize for Best PIPS Talk – “Algae, Robots, The Great Unkown” – at the DTP Student Symposium held on 13th December 2019. He undertook his PIPS in the field of Laboratory Robotics manufacturing at Singer Instruments in Somerset… which was a very long way to go! But totally worth it!
Whilst at Singer, Lukas’ main duties were:
- Quality assurance on a number of high value products within demanding time frames
- Work on designing methods to assess and track reliability
- Pioneering the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii research project within the Singer lab
Lukas particularly enjoyed these aspects of his PIPS:
“I really enjoyed defined working hours, that demanded that I learn to structure my work so that I accomplish all of the tasks that were assigned to me (or that I have planned for myself), or if I realized that I was at maximum capacity to communicate this to my co-workers. During my first weeks, I found the fact that I am now indeed working as a part of a small focused team surprising and very rewarding. The pay-off for doing good quality, well-documented work was immediately accessible.”
There was a commercial outcome to the role:
“Validating the robot’s capability of manipulating this organism (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii) opens up a large new sector that this robot can be marketed and sold to.”
A key benefit of the placement for Lukas was:
“I have learned better ways to organise and communicate vital information, I now use these skills in my day to day work and I am passing them on to the people I work with.”
Talk slides
Luke has kindly agreed to share his talk slides – They provide lots of useful information about making the most of your PIPS e.g. a Timeline to Start, as well as some beautiful photographs of the Somerset landscape!
Lukas Jasaitis PIP slides – Click here to download