The competition for entry for i-CASE projects within the White Rose BBSRC DTP is now open.
Academic staff can apply for a CASE project to fit into the recruitment cycle for student entry in October 2020.
The deadline for applications is Monday 30th September 2019 (12 noon).
What are i-CASE studentships?
i-CASE studentships (formerly known as ‘Collaborative Awards in Science and Engineering’) are collaborative training grants (from the BBSRC) that provide students with a first-rate, challenging research training experience, allowing top quality bioscience graduates to undertake research, leading to a PhD, within the context of a mutually beneficial research collaboration between academic and partner organisations. In addition to experience of an industrial research environment, the student should receive business-related training, for example, in project-management, business strategy, and/or finance.
CASE studentships are awarded as part of the BBSRC Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs).
NOTE: As part of the DTP3 funding round, the White Rose BBSRC DTP has applied for further CASE studentships to start in October 2020, as we value these high-quality industrial collaborations. At the time of writing, we do not yet know how many CASE studentships we will have available. (The BBSRC DTP3 funding decision, including CASE studentships, is expected early to mid-October 2019). We are calling for project proposals in anticipation so that CASE studentships will fit into the normal student recruitment and selection process, as in previous years.
How to apply
This stage of the competition is for CASE project proposals from academic staff. Successful projects will then be advertised for student applications as part of the normal recruitement cycle.
Please read the Guidance Notes carefully before completing the forms.
Download CASE Guidance Notes HERE
Submit completed Forms A and B to Catherine Liddle, DTP via email:
The deadline for applications is Monday 30th September 2019 (12 noon).