PhD Projects: University of Leeds

NameProject title
Francis Hopkins
Structural Biology of RiboNucleoProtein complexes of pathogenic arena and bunyaviruses
Sophie Hesketh
Developing our structural understanding of the TRPM2 channel through electron microscopy studies
Brittany Graham
Muscle ageing and gene expression balance in Caenorhabditis elegans
Jack Bravo
Mechanism of Genomic Segment Assortment in Avian Reovirus
Matthew Dooley
Improving methods for the detection and monitoring of beetle pests through a deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying beetle odour perception.
Lia De Faveri
Synthetic approaches to developing reagents for rapid, in-field detection of cereal rusts
Emma Wroblewski
Defining a novel assembly pathway in ssRNA viruses.    
Brendan Rogers
The Structural Biology of the Z-disc in health and disease
Grace Roberts
Investigating the role of the nsP3 macro domain in Chikungunya virus replication
Alistair Plant
Co-Repression and the Evolution of Novel Plant Structures