The October BBSRC DTP online skills session is careers focused, with guest host Elly Spreckley, Medical Director from science communication company Random 42, sharing her insights into science communications careers, with time for questions and discussion at the end of the session.
Add it to your calendar now so you don’t forget!
Date: Thursday 1st October 2020
Start time: 1pm
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 859 9419 5469
Passcode: 066978
If you recognise the image at the top of the page, it’s because it’s the one in the DTP newsletter at the beginning of the PIPS section! It’s one of our DTP students, Sarah Stevenson (nee Gratton), taken during her highly successful PIPS at Random42. As a taster for our on-line session, read the blog about Sarah’s PIPS on the Random42 website: