Title: Changing The World With Your Research
Research has the potential to improve the world in so many ways, but knowing how to make this happen can feel completely mysterious. On this course you’ll learn strategies and methods for identifying the most promising opportunities from your research, testing if they really have potential, and working out how to protect your ideas and move them forwards. It’s not just about commercial ideas but also ones where the main benefits will come via policy changes or other approaches.
The course will be highly interactive with practical exercises, discussions, individual feedback and much more. By the end of it you’ll be far more confident about triaging opportunities, and have gained a range of skills that will be useful for you whatever your future career plans.
Trainer: Dr Nessa Carey supported by Dr Jenny Rivas Perez
Who is it for?
This course is mandatory for all 2nd years (2019 starters), including core DTP, CASE and White Rose Network (WRN) students.
Course structure and dates
The sessions will be delivered online using a mixture of Zoom and Microsoft Teams. Links will be sent to participants by the trainers.
Part 1: 10:00-12:30 Tue 16th March 2021 – Live online session, establishing an initial conceptual framework.
Part 2: A series of videos and an exercise for delegates to complete in their own time and send to the trainer, who will provide individual feedback.
Part 3: 10:00-12:00 Tue 30th March 2021 – Live online session, to build on the learnings from the activities and to add additional information and ideas.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the training the delegates will be able to:
- Articulate the reasons why impact is important – to society, to the university and to them personally
- Visualise how impact can happen in lots of different ways – policy, healthcare interventions, creation of commercial IP etc
- Predict the most likely type of impact for their own research
- Map out how they might drive this impact, and identify roadblocks
- Perform desk-based research to test these hypotheses
- Recognise the scope and limitations of what can be learned from desk-based research
- Recognise that most innovations are not ready to be used in a non-academic setting, and require additional translation
- Create a draft translational pathway for their own research, and identify the major barriers to its implementation
- Recognise that intellectual property (IP) can be a valuable tool in creating impact
- Access resources at the University of Leeds that will support innovation and provide advice on IP etc
- Think about how to handle the failures which are inevitable when working on innovative ideas
- Understand the importance of developing strong networks
- Plan their own networking, based on practical tips and advice
- Identify competitions, programmes and training schemes available to them to allow them to expand their knowledge and skills
- Reflect on how the skills gained in this training can be applicable to their PhD project
How to register
Click the button below to register for this course. Registration will be open until Fri 27th February 2021.