Confocal Microscopy 15 Nov 2019

Who it is for 

This course is optional for White Rose BBSRC DTP students, including i-CASE.  Maximum 15 places.  Priority will be given to first years (and those on the waiting list from last year). 

However, do not let this put you off applying – a waiting list will be held in case of last minute drop-outs.

If you have already informally expressed an interest in this course, please ensure you complete the formal booking form as soon as possible – at the bottom of this page.

When and where

This is a 4-day course from Tuesday 12th November to Friday 15th November 2019.

It will be held across all three universities within the White Rose BBSRC DTP, as follows:

DAY 1: Tuesday 12th November 2019

Start: 09:30   Finish 17:30-18:00 hours and then straight to pizza and drinks!

Venue: The University of York – Report to the Dept of Biology, Main Atrium

The evening social – including food – is for everyone!   

Overnight accommodation will be provided in York for Leeds and Sheffield students.

DAY 2: Wednesday 13th November

Start: 09:15   Finish: 17:00 hours

Venue: The University of York – Report to the Dept of Biology, Main Atrium

DAY 3: Thursday 14th November 2019

Start: 09:30   Finish: 16:00 hours

Venue: The University of Leeds – Worsley Seminar Room (8.11G) 

DAY 4: Friday 15th November 2019 

Start: 09:30   Finish: 16:15 hours

Venue: The University of Sheffield – Meet in the Foyer of Firth Court

What you will do 

You will gain knowledge and hands-on experience of modern confocal techniques.

Please ensure you arrive on time for the start times each day.  The timings during each day may vary according to the needs of the group.

DAY 1 – York – From basic techniques through to advanced confocal microscopy

09:15 Arrival and registration
09:30 Lecture – Introduction to fluorescence and confocal microscopy
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Practical – Basics of confocal microscopy
12:30 Lunch
13:15 Practical – Multicolour imaging
14:45 Coffee break
15:15 Practical – z-stacks
16:30 Lecture – Beyond confocal
17:30 Social – Pizza and drinks

 DAY 2 – York – From basic techniques through to advanced confocal microscopy

09:00 Arrival and registration – Note this is an earlier start time than Day 1
09:15 Lecture – Fluorescent proteins, spectral unmixing and FRAP
10:15 Practical – Slow FRAP
11:15 Coffee break
11:45 Practical – Fast FRAP
12:45 Lunch
13:30 Practical – Spectral unmixing
14:30 Coffee break
15:00 Practical – Spectral unmixing, tiling and more
17:00 Finish

DAY 3 – Leeds – Super-resolution

09:30 Arrival and registration
10:10 Introduction
10:20 Resolution and Introduction to Super-Resolution
10:40 Airyscan
11:00 Coffee break
12:20 Lunch
13:30 Microscope Demonstrations (Bioimaging facility – Miall 5.08)
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Discussion and closing remarks
16:00 Finish

DAY 4 – Sheffield – Lightsheet and image analysis

09:30 Arrival and registration
09:45 Coffee and Introduction (BMS Seminar Room 1)
10:00 Lightsheet Seminar (BMS Seminar Room 1)
11:00 Sample mounting demo/practical
11:30 Zeiss lightsheet demo session
13:15 Lunch (BMS Seminar Room 1)
14:15 Image analysis with Fiji training session
16:15 Finish

Transport and accommodation

You will need to make your own transport arrangements for each location and claim expenses back through your own University – Don’t forget to keep receipts.

Sheffield and Leeds students should bear in mind that they will be staying in hotel accommodation overnight in York on Tuesday 12th November 2019 so no travel will be required that evening nor the following morning.


Lunch will be provided each day.

If you have any dietary requirements, please ensure that you detail these in the booking form.

Cost – Free 

How to book

The deadline was originally Friday 25th October 2019 but the course was quickly oversubscribed – with a maximum of 15 places – so please note that




Contact details for each University location will be sent out with joining instructions.

If you have any general queries, please contact:

Catherine Liddle

White Rose BBSRC Doctoral Training Partnership Co-ordinator

Student Education Service | Doctoral College
Faculty of Biological Sciences

7.82 Irene Manton Building | University of Leeds | Leeds LS2 9JT
Tel +44 (0)113 343 6463 | Ext 36463

DTP website: