10:00 to 17:45 hours Friday 13th December 2019
Dept of Biology, The University of York, Wentworth Way, YORK. YP10 5DD
Who it is for
It is optional for CASE students, although they are encouraged and welcome to attend. It is mandatory for everyone else (all year groups).
Supervisors are also expected to attend.
We are pleased to announce that our Keynote Speaker will be an alumni: Dr Eleanor Walton, Research Area Lead for Epigenetics at abcam in Cambridge. Look Eleanor up on LinkedIn.
The welcome talk will be given by Dr Betsy Pownall of The University of York and Deputy Director of our DTP.
The main programme will include a mixture of long (10 minute) Research Talks and short (2 minute) Poster Teasers, exemplifying the world class, interdisciplinary research being undertaken across the DTP. In addition, a selection of students telling us about their diverse and interesting Professional Internships for PhD Students (PIPS) experiences.
All 3rd and 4th years are required to bring a poster detailing their research with them.
Prizes will be awarded for Research Talks, Poster Teaser Talks, Posters, the Best PIPS Talk and poster prizes. The judging panel will be formed of senior academics and members of the DTP’s External Advisory Board.
Tea/coffee and light breakfast options will be provided on arrival. Food and drink will be provided throughout the day, including lunch.
Travel arrangements
Coaches will be provided to and from Sheffield / Leeds Universities to York.
Morning departure times will be send out with the detailed joining instructions. Be prepared for an early start!
Coaches returning to Sheffield and Leeds will pick up from York University at 17:45.
The Symposium is free to attend and the cost of the coaches will be covered by the DTP.
How to register
The Symposium is being organised by the DTP Student Reps. They will send out the link to register.
There will be a call for abstracts and a rigorous selection process for deciding who will have the opportunity to present their talks.
If you have any questions or queries about the Symposium, please contact your friendly, local DTP Student Reps.