PIPS project 2020: Science Communication
Background information
Antimicrobial resistance is a global public health issue requiring multiple solutions and a sustained, coordinated response. The pharmaceutical industry is committed to tackling AMR working alongside governments and NGOs. Every year 50,000 people die from infections which are resistant to antibiotics, and this is estimated to increase; by 2050 10 million people will die worldwide from resistant infections.
As an industry we recognise that we all have a role in to play in tackling AMR. We are working internationally and locally to do so, and this PIPS intern project will contribute to this global effort.
Project offered
The ABPI is offering an exciting opportunity for a PIPS student to apply bioscience knowledge in a science communication context. The project centres around antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and the student will conduct online research and liaise with subject experts and other stakeholders to produce written content which: promotes awareness of AMR; supports reducing the need for unintentional exposure; optimises use; improves supply, development and access.
The output of the project is expected to include:
- Content for support of policy work and current collaborative work with stakeholders
- Content for animations and diagrams for use on our award-winning schools’ website to support public engagement in schools
- Slide deck to support ABPI’s commitment to raising awareness of AMR across a variety of stakeholders
There may be scope for updating online resource content for other topics aimed at A-level students (time permitting).
The student will be working within the Research, Medical & Innovation team and will liaise with colleagues across ABPI and within our member companies. Should there be any opportunities for attendance at internal meetings or on pharmaceutical site visits, the student will be able to take advantage of these.
The successful applicant can expect to have a supervisor who would meet regularly for face to face guidance and support.
The exact timing can be confirmed with the successful applicant, though we would expect this to be undertaken with a start date in Quarter 1-2 2020.
The project is based at the ABPI office, 105 Victoria St, London SW1E 6QT. 12 weeks (Monday-Friday 9-5, 1 hour for lunch)
Benefits to student undertaking this project
This project is a great opportunity to gain and develop science communication experience, with similar projects in the past having provided opportunities to develop contacts which could be helpful to someone considering a future career in industry. The successful applicant can be expected to be treated as a member of the ABPI Research, Medical & Innovation Team, and as such, will benefit from professional development, cross functional working, interaction with wider stakeholders and an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the pharmaceutical industry.
Lunch expenses will be refunded in line with ABPI standard expenses policy. Modest travel expenses for commuting into London (if applicable) will be paid.
How to apply
A CV and covering letter should be sent to Andrew Croydon, Skills & Education Policy and Examinations Director, ABPI (acroydon@abpi.org.uk), by close of business Tuesday 10th December 2019. Should you have any questions prior to applying, these should also be sent to the above email address.