Tobias Cracknell

Revealing IGFN1 functional roles through in vivo CRISPR/CAS targeting and in vitro mechanical protein unfolding

My project

After graduating from the University of York with a first class BSc in Molecular Cell Biology I joined Gonzalo Blanco’s lab in York as a PhD student. My work is concerned with revealing the function of IGFN1 in skeletal muscle. IGFN1 is a large muscle-specific protein containing a number of immunoglobulin-like and fibronectin domains. This domain composition is similar to other muscle proteins which play a role in crosslinking the sarcomere to provide the muscle fibre with structural integrity while it undergoes repeated bouts of contraction and relaxation. Using a knockout cell line I aim to discover the role of this protein in myotubes in vitro. As well as the cell biology, which will be conducted in Gonzalo Blanco’s lab, I will be using atomic force microscopy to measure the unfolding dynamics of IGFN1, this part of my PhD will be supervised by Christoph Baumann.


Not yet available.