This is something a bit different! Dorothy Hawkins was short-listed for the 2019 “Dance Your Ph.D.” contest, sponsored by AAAS and Science.

Dorothy explains:
“The idea is to explain your PhD through the medium of dance to a general audience. It was a lot of fun and really made me think about the basic concepts I was researching and how to communicate them visually. I would definitely recommend it both as an outreach programme and a creative project- especially if you enjoy dancing. For my soundtrack I asked everyone I knew/met how they would define a virus which was a really interesting experience and felt like a good way of engaging with the public.”
Here is a link to Dorothy’s amazingly creative and visually stunning dance:
“Modelling a Viral Motor”
Interested in Dance Your Ph.D?
Unfortunately, the deadline for the 2020 competition has gone (in January) but keep your eyes peeled for the next call on the Dance Your Ph.D. website: