Academy of Medical Sciences – Deadline: 22 Nov20

The Academy of Medical Sciences Grants and Programmes internship scheme is open for applications for internships in 2021.

Applications are welcomed for 3 month internships between January-December 2021. The scheme is open to BBSRC-funded PhD students through the PIPS scheme.

The scheme is designed to give students first-hand experience of the research funding and career development sectors, and to build valuable networks with the UK’s most eminent medical scientists and senior science and health stakeholders. There is a case study of a recent intern here that gives some examples of the kinds of projects that interns in our team will be involved with.

We expect the internships to be full-time positions for the full three-month period.  However, in exceptional circumstances, the Academy will consider requests for a reduced duration.  Due to the ongoing pandemic, we expect internships beginning in January 2021 will be supervised remotely. Place of work for internships from April 2021 onwards will depend on the Academy’s policy in response to the pandemic, however we will discuss with interns the feasibility of any travel, either to the Academy offices or elsewhere in the UK for internship activities, in light of government guidelines and personal circumstances.

More details can be found at

The deadline for applications is 22 November 2020.

Contact for any queries:

Dr Kim Hutchings
International Grants Manager
The Academy of Medical Sciences
41 Portland Place
London W1B 1QH

+44 (0)20 3141 3234

Please note my working days are Tues-Fri