Janice Robottom

Development of split enzyme amplification systems for electronic label-free biosensors.

I began university with a foundation degree in interdisciplinary science, followed by my undergraduate degree in medical biochemistry here at Leeds University and obtained a first class. I am currently in my second year of my PhD.

My research focuses on diagnostic device development. Biomarker levels in blood indicate disease or illness, whilst those in environmental samples can show pathogens or contaminants. Often these biomarkers occur at extremely low concentrations. My project is developing an amplification therefore, low concentrations of a target molecule can be detected.

I was awarded second place poster prize at the annual BBSRC meeting.

The lifelong learning centre here at Leeds University is working to engage the local community and widen participation for non-traditional students. I have been involved on study days, and the science taster day. Usually I describe my journey back into education and answer any questions prospective students may have regarding going to university as a non-traditional student.